ACS Mobile App: new version available

ACS Mobile App: new version available

Now with the new ACS Mobile App, all you need to know about your shipments is a T-APP away!


How do I download the app on my mobile?

From Google Play, for Android devices Android:

From AppStore, for IOS devices:


New version ACS Mobile App: What do I get with the new updated ACS app?

  • Inform digitally the nearest ACS store, so that the courier can pick up my shipments from your place at your own time (e-Call Courier)
  • Scan the Barcode of my digital ACS Member card, to receive discounts on my shipments
  • Manage all my shipments / pick-ups in one place, with the option of selecting new delivery date or the nearest pick-up point (ACS Store or ACS Smartpoint)
  • Receive real-time updates on any operation issues of ACS network stores


And in addition I enjoy the existing features of the application:


  • Ιnformed in real time about the progress of my shipment, both from the tracking and with pop-up messages on my mobile phone (push notifications), as long as the notifications are activated (open) on it.
  • Find the nearest service point (ACS store, ACS Smartpoint Locker), based on my geographic location.

Mobile App Thumbnail Site

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